
Tumor induced hypercalcaemia with or without metastasis, preventive skeletal complication in breast cancer and bone mestasis patients require raidiotherapy


Osteoporosis in post menopausal women to reduce vertebral facture risk


Mild to moderate hypertention as a monotherapy/ concommeratly with diretics, unresponsive syslotic left ventrical failure of variable aetology in which afterload reduction is advocatated


Intended for the treatment of malaria attacks. Indicated for Intermittent Preventive Treatment in a pregnant woman along with other prevention and control measures of malaria in a pregnant woman of sub-Saharan African regions.


Topical treatment of staphylococcal conjunctivitis caused by susceptible organisms.


For the treatment of viral infections, ie. Hepatitis B & C, Herpetic Lesions, Measles, Genital infections caused by the papillomavirus, Conjunctivitis, sinusitis, influenza, infectious diseases


For the prevention and treatment of acute nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy


Short term treatment of disabilitating anxiety disorders subject to individuals with extreme distress occuring alone or in association with insomnia / short term psychosomatic / general medical or psychotic illness.


Muscle spasm associated with acute painful musculosketal condiditions in combination with other measures